朝のアサガオ Morning's Morning Glory
午後のアサガオ Afternoon's Un-glory
Introducing the two moods of the Japanese summer, as represented by our homegrown morning glories!
First up, meet the 'Budding Optimist'. Still tucked in tight, this little bud hasn't yet faced the blazing sun. It's holding onto dreams of a mild, balmy summer day. Oh, sweet innocence!
Then, fast forward to 'Afternoon Reality Check'. Once a glorious morning glory, it's now looking like an afternoon... well, let's call it 'un-glory'. With the mercury in Japan breaking records like a world champion weightlifter, even our hardy morning glories are feeling the heat and wilting. And they call it a 'glory'!
Yes folks, our morning glories are more like 'morning hopefuls' and 'afternoon droop-fuls'. Ah, the ironies of a Japanese summer!
Stay cool everyone!
そして次に「午後の現実」。かつては華々しいアサガオだったのに、今や午後の…さあ、何と言いましょうか、「モーニング・グローリーはいまいずこ?」でしょうか。記録更新中の日本の気温に、夏の代表アサガオでさえ、厳しさを感じて元気を失っています。「グローリー:栄光」と言うには、何ともはや! まるで、シニアなぼくの様? やめてくれ!
©️ 朽木鴻次郎 プロダクション黄朽葉