We would like to report the work progress of shipping.
Till now, we have almost completed sending out the tracking no to Kickstarter Backers except for those pledges of the genuine leather limited edition, for which more time resource is required for superb craftsmanship as previously explained.
Thus, the notification of tracking no to the limited no. of remaining backers of Kickstarter will be sent within tomorrow.
For the genuine leather limited edition and genuine leather accessories, the shipping will start by the beginning of November.
We are so sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Thank you very much for your support, understanding and patience.
Please share with us your nice photos.
10月31日 引受
11月02日 国際交換局から発送
© 旅芸人・朽木鴻次郎
姉妹ブログ:生活と愉しみ 〜 ハリセンボンのおびれ
インスタグラム: tavigayninh